Cleaning Protocols

Indigo will continue to maintain its high level of cleanliness. In addition, the studio will be cleaned before and after each class with rigorous cleaning protocols and EPA – registered disinfectants which are determined to be effective in killing the COVID-19 virus in less than one minute.

Modified Class Hours

Indigo will be modifying class times from 75 minutes to 60 minutes to accommodate cleaning protocols in between each class.

Prohibited Items

Students are not allowed to bring their own towels. Towels will be provided by Indigo and discarded between each class. Towels will be cleaned on a daily basis.


Students will be provided with hand sanitizer prior to each class and prior to entering the studio. The hand sanitizer kills up to 99.9% of germs and includes at least 60% ethyl alcohol. Students are also encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer.

Students are required to use disinfectant wipes and/or sanitizer on poles and lyras before and after use in addition to Indigo’s cleaning protocols.

Health Check

Students are required to complete a COVID-19 waiver and release prior to attending class. In addition, students are required to have their temperature taken prior to entering the studio. Per CDC guidelines, students with a body temperature greater than 100.4 degrees, or local guidelines, will not be permitted entry into the club.

Students shall alert the studio if they test positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of their last visit to the studio. Indigo will notify any potentially exposed students if there is a confirmed case.

Students must wear a face covering when entering the building and the studio.

If students travel outside of Chicago, students shall be required to self-quarantine for 14 days in accordance with local health mandates.



If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

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